Spirit-led Travel

Rolling out of bed on a Sunday morning with a few more days left to go before heading back to work (thank you most epic nanny job ever!), I felt a deep call within to spend the day at a beautiful place called Lost Lake up near Mt. Hood. I hadn't been in ages, and just couldn't pass this idea up.

I had been feeling way out of sorts in my body, in particular in relationship to the season beginning to shift into fall. Never before had I experienced this feeling to such a degree. I've always loved and celebrated the seasons changing! But this year a large part of me for whatever reason didn't receive the full experience of summer that it needed to, and so I had been a bit out of sorts by fall already approaching.

I arrived at Lost Lake in the early afternoon, sunshine bright and beaming with clear, crisp, almost Autumn air all around. Everything within me exhaled in a big sigh of relief. I felt that deep YES within. My spirit team (so freaking amazing they are) guided me to the perfect, totally private spot with a little sun patch to lay my towel on near the water. I sun bathed, soaked my limbs in the water, and breathed in the rich air and nutrients all around. 

I was guided to walk around the entire lake, and heard the words "old growth Forest" in my head.. and that it was especially beneficial to my body during this time. Then, as I was walking (they always seem to come in best when I'm actively doing something!), my walking turned into a deep meditative like trance. I was guided to breath huge deep cleansing breaths in and out while focusing on all the particles, nutrients, and rich energy of the forest going into every cell of my body from all around. They then showed me an image of a calendar. Specifically 7 days. They had me breath this energy into each of those 7 days of the week as I walked, and I watched as this "summer energy" permeated my entire body. The 7 days filled up to completion and then more days appeared. I continued this process until I got to 14 days, and then heard and felt I had fully completed this energy "exchange/recharge". My guides and this incredible Forest had just delivered to me exactly the "summer" I had been missing!

I continued walking and began blessing the huge trees towering above me all around as I walked beneath them. I hugged and kissed the ones who called to me, and felt shivers run through my body and into the ground as I did so. I performed love territory blessings as I walked, and at one point my body stopped in a clearing that appeared, and something held me there as I stood in a kind of stillness that felt like the entire forest was pulsing this quite energy within me. Tears of gratitude came as I stood there and felt this energy, and all of life with me. 

I continued walking when I heard voices of people up ahead. I came to areas where families and children were playing, and again my body filled with light as love poured through me. Love of families, love of parents playing with their kids, love of the animals near by and happy.

A little slice of heaven this spirit-led trip was for me, and I can't wait to see where I am led to next. 

May we all listen to that deep call within, and recieve all of the blessings, support, and love our body, mind, and spirit so craves.

Spirit-led travel is the only way to travel I do believe. Blessings beyond our wildest dreams.

In love forever more

Xoxo Hannah


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