Unexpected Miracles

I received a magazine called Bella Grace in the mail a couple months ago, which I happened upon while living in NYC for a few months over the summer last year. I decided on subscribing, simply put, because it was the most beautiful, gracefully put together, heart warming package of words I had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on in this particular kind of format. It shares deeply rich and meaningful content that leaves me feeling inspired every time I read it.

Without a doubt I knew I had to make this order, despite the dollar amount I had not been accustomed to spending on items such as this. The deeper call within always trumps the dollar amount, or whatever “logic” based mind stories that try to reason away these deeper calls, but more on that in another post : )

My Spring issue arrived, and I remember just curling up in bed with it. All I could do was just hold it next to my chest for what seemed like hours. Has anyone else done this?! It felt so good it didn’t matter. Nothing felt better to me than just laying there and breathing it in. I do this often actually. Books and words that speak so deeply to me, I sometimes don’t even need to read it for a while…the energy alone fills me, and I just want to bask forever in it.

This magazine sat there, on my nightstand for about a month. Then one day, out of the blue a few weeks ago, I heard this quiet voice inside gently suggest that I bring it with me to work and start reading a few articles to get some inspiration to write something to submit to this magazine to possibly be published. “Just a thought” my team said (whenever I refer to my team I am speaking of all my guides and angels of the highest light who are in non-physical guiding and supporting me here on this earth plane). They are always so gentle, so nonchalant with me on things that end up being the most epic unfoldings in my life….ha! Why? I do not know. In my opinion I feel like they should just hit me over the head sometimes with how stubborn I can be : ) But they don’t. They are always the most loving, gentle, and powerful presence in my life, and continue to blow my mind daily.

So I ended up bringing my copy of the magazine to work with me, and while the baby I take care of was asleep, and his dad went downstairs to feed their dogs, I plopped myself down on the couch, and finally cracked open this 160 page magazine. Opening to what turned out to be page 22, I looked down and a wave of the biggest shock, utter amazement, and overwhelming emotion hit my body like a tidal wave. Instant tears came pouring down my cheeks as I read my name, Hannah Seraphina, there on the page under an article titled 50 ways to Spread Kindness. This along with words that I apparently wrote, but didn’t have any recollection of writing or submitting. On top of this, my piece was located under number 2 on page 22 (I’m also a believer in Spirit leaving signs and messages for us through number sequences. Will share more info on this at the bottom), AND my words were highlighted in red.

I sat there on that couch as I felt these feelings I had never felt to this degree in my life before. PURE MIRACLES this life is made of, and in that moment I had been handed by Spirit a clearer example than ever before of this.

When we do the work, meaning showing up fully in our life, choosing to lean in rather than pull away, when we sit and face what scares us the most, and choose love over fear and judgment again and again, miracles begin to happen as confirmation of our alignment with our truest, highest version of ourselves. Miracles we couldn’t even dream up.

I know many may scoff at the term miracle, or may not even fully understand the entirety of this word (more on this below), but from what I’ve come to find true the further along this spirit-led path I go, the miracles pop up EVERYWHERE. They are in the littlest exchanges, in seemingly insignificant moments, and even in the most challenging circumstances that push us to our edges. They are here for us, and our job so to speak, is to clear off our internal lens and old filters that keep us numbed out and seemingly “safe”, and open to what is right before our very eyes.

I am learning this daily, as we all are. But let me tell you…these miracles, and incredible experiences just keep getting richer, deeper, and more frequent the more you open to who you truly are and the life you came here to lead.

After sobbing on that couch reading those words that were mine, every bit true, but had no memory of writing, I wiped my tears, took a deep breath and gathered myself back together as the dad returned from feeding the dogs downstairs. I casually mentioned something about finding my name in this magazine, as I couldn’t possibly keep it ALL inside, and he was so kind and supportive of me hearing this fun story.

To be apart of a magazine, AND in an article holding so my light, and love that is being shared with the world is quite possibly the highest honor that I can think of. It gave me the little spirit boost I needed to keep going on my path, even when fear or doubt takes over at times. To have this door open for me in my life, and the epic support in both this world and in non-physical, and to consciously choose to work with it in this way daily…there’s nothing like it.

I look forward to all the continued unfoldings and miracles awaiting us all!

I would so love to hear any and all miracles you've experienced that you wish to share here as well. The more you talk about them, the more they multiply!! ✨💖

So much love Xoxo

*For more info on miracle consciousness, click on this link to hear this incredible interview with radio talk show host Amanda Johnson and my Spiritual Mentor Heather Kristian Strang


*To check out the Bella Grace Magazine follw this link!

*For more info on divine spirit numbers and the meaning on number sequences follow this link


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