Which one are you? Lions Gate Magic
I decided to take a break from trying to figure out which images to place on my project I had been working on for class, and a lovely surprise was born!
It was 8/8 yesterday, what is referred to as Lions Gate. A time that stirs up what most wishes to be born within you, highlights areas needing your attention... basically anything and everything comes up for you to look at that you then hopefully heal and take aligned action from.
I had been FEELING it these past few days you guys. For weeks even. One old story or thought pattern would rear it's head, I held it in love until it transmuted, and then another, and then another, and another. A bit of a marathon of sorts.
And then yesterday, the big day came, along with big intense resistance and emotions with it. I sat in meditation on an off throughout the day. I took huge, cleansing breaths in and out. I even reached out for support from my mentor who I work with.
Usually each of these pieces does the trick like *that*. Yesterday, this holy mama Whopper of a day..my usual wasn't cutting it.
And so I got home from work, meditated a bit again, and sat there in this kind of cloud that just did not want to budge. And then it hit me. The inspiration to paint.
I had been receiving images all day of bright colored poppies and wild flowers (my fav), and the sensation of watercolors running through my fingers. I had brushed it aside thinking instead about this project for my class that "I just had to get done".
Hi logic brain..since when have you been the center of the show?!
Then another image popped into my mind. This was a "come to Jesus" moment I had earlier this week when I was driving and all of a sudden felt one of my spirit guides sit down next to me in the car, reached over and took my hand. We sat there, side by side, fingers interlaced, both of us watching the road, and tears streamed down my face as I felt a feeling of love and peace wash over me, within, and through me like never before.
This incredible experience, along with others, I'm noticing, are reminders that sometimes it's best (in fact always) to not try and force things. I personally happen to receive divine guidance and my deepest inspiration sometimes while taking aligned action...while DOING SOMETHING.
Some of us are those who lean towards needing to stop the 'go go going', let go of desire to control, get quite, and surrender to what wishes to be born through us. While others of us (like myself) have the opposite problem and often get stuck in the just sitting there, mind spinning, letting the weight of ish pile up..leading to in-action, and stagnence.
This happens to be a topic my beautiful mentor Heather Kristian Strang brought through this week for us in her channeled guidance. It's important for us to figure out which category we fall into: the go go go controllers, or the wallowing in shitters. Ha! We all have a bit of both, but we do tend to favor one or the other as a kind of go-to, that actually gets us no where.
And so, yesterday on Lion's Gate, I noticed myself doing that thing. The thing I know keeps me in a place I don't want to be in. So I followed those images of brightly colored wild flowers my team kept handing me, and began to paint. AND with the least amount of effort I've spent on my creations in weeks!! This love was born within minutes."Soul blooms". And my heart is at peace now.
And so...figure out which category you fall into, and get to it!💖
Onward and upward we go my loves!
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