Follow Your Bliss

My heart feels like it's cracking open. "Follow your bliss", "Let what you love the most be your guide", or "Whatever brings you the most joy, do that".

These were all phrases that I, and most of us have heard over the years. I've always nodded my head in response, with an "Of course, why wouldn't I do that!?" feeling inside. And then just moved about my business, not even realizing I had pushed away the very things that brought me the most joy long ago. *Face palm*.

Through deeper inquiry, and the way in which "life" (more like spirit, or God, or whatever you want to call it) seems to cause uphevel if you're not actually getting it in the way your suppose to happens, I'm finally beginning to receive the meaning of these statements in a way they were actually intended.

So out go all the rules. Off goes the TV. Away with the naysayers and haters. Good bye old yuck filled stories and programs running in my head. They no longer have a say in my life, or in the actions I choose to take.

I'm now letting Spirit be my guide in full force, and it is hands down the most fucking amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, wild, heart expanding ride of my life.

Since being sick, flat on my back in bed for two weeks (thank you Spirit for hitting me over the head with that one!😘), I've allowed this opening within to occur, and said YES to what my heart and soul and has been asking for all these years.

It just so happens that creating art and expressing through words and mixed media happens to be my jam. Part of what my soul/higher self came here to do, and fills me with more joy than I ever thought possible. And so I am doing it!

This painting is a piece I've been working on for a class, and has been a beautiful process of self discovery and surprises. Connecting into the art by placing our hands on canvas, getting messy, allowing the pieces to come alive and tell a's unlike anything I've experienced before.

I (my personality/ego/whatever you want to call it), doesn't choose what I create now. I put my hands on canvas, connect deep within, and allow what wants to come forth to come forth.

In this particular piece, after working on it for a while, an image of a faery or angel kept coming to me. I argued with my spirit team, saying how "I wasn't good enough to paint something like that". Well they kept insisting, so I finally gave in, and to my surprise in went better than I ever excpected! (As things do when you let go of the fucking reins of control : )

Archangel Michael, along with words I didn't plan on appeared on my canvas.  Blew my mind as I've always painted female faces figures in the past. #spiritsurprisesarethebest

And so my journey inwards continues, and am over the moon excited to see where it leads.

May we all head the call of our hearts, what brings us the most joy, and ignites the light of our soul within. Best ride EVER.

Love and more love Xoxo

PS. Etsy shop coming soon!! (Another epic Spirit surprise : )


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