Which one are you? Lions Gate Magic

I decided to take a break from trying to figure out which images to place on my project I had been working on for class, and a lovely surprise was born! It was 8/8 yesterday, what is referred to as Lions Gate. A time that stirs up what most wishes to be born within you, highlights areas needing your attention... basically anything and everything comes up for you to look at that you then hopefully heal and take aligned action from. I had been FEELING it these past few days you guys. For weeks even. One old story or thought pattern would rear it's head, I held it in love until it transmuted, and then another, and then another, and another. A bit of a marathon of sorts. And then yesterday, the big day came, along with big intense resistance and emotions with it. I sat in meditation on an off throughout the day. I took huge, cleansing breaths in and out. I even reached out for support from my mentor who I work with. Usually each of these pieces does the trick like *tha...