Follow Your Bliss

My heart feels like it's cracking open. "Follow your bliss", "Let what you love the most be your guide", or "Whatever brings you the most joy, do that". These were all phrases that I, and most of us have heard over the years. I've always nodded my head in response, with an "Of course, why wouldn't I do that!?" feeling inside. And then just moved about my business, not even realizing I had pushed away the very things that brought me the most joy long ago. *Face palm*. Through deeper inquiry, and the way in which "life" (more like spirit, or God, or whatever you want to call it) seems to cause uphevel if you're not actually getting it in the way your suppose to happens, I'm finally beginning to receive the meaning of these statements in a way they were actually intended. So out go all the rules. Off goes the TV. Away with the naysayers and haters. Good bye old yuck filled stories and programs running in my hea...