Opening to Love
The sun is out (BIG deal in Portland, OR), little flower buds are bursting, Spring feels like it’s ready to take over soon, and there is a newness in the air. Fresh beginnings, chances to rise up to what life has been bringing to our attention in a way like never before.
This call to do more, be more, expand into more of who we came here to be. This time is now, and I’m choosing to say YES.
YES to loving deeper, YES to leaning in to the places that challenge me, YES to holding the parts of me wanting love and attention and releasing them to love, YES to opening my heart wider than ever before, YES to opening my arms to all the miracles available to me in doing this, YES to only consuming products, and being around experiences and people that take me higher, and YES to spreading this love, light, and magic just by being the truest version of me I was designed to be.
We all have this choice. To live, be, breathe the very best version of our selves we came here to be. To rise up, lean in, and open to love.
I’m inviting you to join me here. I can feel you, my soul tribe resonating with these words, and am so excited to have you here sharing in this journey with me. We get to go higher together! How freaking cool is that!?
In writing this Blog my hope and desire is to bring a bit of magic and joy to this space for others to enjoy and take in, and to offer inspiration, and give breath to those dreams held deep within that are calling to others as well.
I will be sharing my daily magic, and a bit of my past experiences (as one who lived the very opposite of this life of magic) through my perspective and work as a nanny, love activist, and miracle finder dedicated to Spirit-led living. It will be a journey that even I don’t know the entirety of, but look forward to the beautiful unfolding and all it brings.
For my first bit of magical happenings I’d love to share with you an experience I had out at a place called Tryon Creek this weekend. It’s a beautiful, green forest with lots of nice hiking trails located in Portland OR.
Spirit (insert whatever term you’re most comfortable with) guided me here yesterday afternoon, and I felt miracles brewing the moment I got there as I heard a gentle, quiet voice tell me that I would get a parking space with ease (the place was overflowing with cars parked all the way up the street because of the nice weather we're having). Sure enough, I pulled in to the front entrance area, and just then someone pulled out, and I had the closest parking space next to the entrance.
Next I was over the moon excited and surprised to find out that Owl Fest 2018 was happening! Who knew!? (Apparently Spirit did ; ) Owls just happen to be one of my favorite animals.
All day they had really amazing events and info. I went on a guided walk, got to meet an owl up close (from the Audubon Society, so powerful and full of love), and had magical encounters with everyone who crossed my path from young little kiddos to grandparents with their families.
I met a little five year old boy on our guided hike who happened to have the same name as the little baby I nanny for, and we hit it off instantly as we both shared equal amounts of enthusiasm for owls.
He literally skipped down the trail as our trail guide chatted away unnoticing, and I thought to myself, “Wow. Now this kid has got it. To be that full of joy, that uninhibited. It brought a breath of fresh air to my insides and I just began laughing out loud right there on the trail, just soaking in all that goodness.
My body wanted nothing more than to run and jump and play like this kid did. Why didn’t I? Something to really sit with and ponder. That was my first little angel/Buddha in a body gifted right in front of me experience.
The second was when I was led to a path on a trail that had a giant, knotted old tree intersecting three different paths coming together. It just looked so cozy and inviting, and practically begged me to sit up in it, as there was the PERFECT indentation within the center of it that allowed me to do so.
I set my backpack down and climbed up there, settling right in to the crook of the tree. So incredibly relaxing and nourishing it felt. And then the most miraculous part happened.
To my surprise (I thought I had found a nice secluded spot), people every few minutes started passing by. As more and more came walking along I began to feel a bit like the Cheshire Cat!
One hiker stopped, looked up at me and smiled, asking for directions. I happily pointed to where he needed to go, and off he went.
Next an older woman from India walked up with her Granddaughter. They were holding walking sticks the young girl, I’m guessing about eight years old, had made out of long branches.
They both looked up at me and smiled. The grandmother yelled out loud and clear that I “most definitely” needed my picture taken because I just looked “so darn comfortable!”. The little girl said that she wanted to take it for me, and so I handed her my giant, sparkly framed camera, and she did. She did a great job too! Overjoyed by all this, I thanked them again as they left.
Other passersby came. Some who decided not to look up as they turned the corner, and went on their way in a hurry. And others who laughed and smiled at me, beaming so much love and connection.
Such the most incredible experience this all felt like. It brought tears to my eyes, the beauty just simple exchanges can bring.
The choices we make, to open our selves up to what lies in front of us, or to instead choose to keep our head down and look the other way.
I don’t believe either choice is wrong or right per say. Just one may lead to more heart open expansion, opportunities and connections, while the other may or may not depending on your own connection within.
True gifts these exchanges provided me with, and layered aspects to ponder. Such the richest, most enlightening experience yesterday that I am still in such gratitude for.
After that Cheshire Cat surprise, I was then guided to return to a spot in the forest that I hadn't been to since last year, and was shocked to see the words "Thank you" that I had scratched into the wood with my finger was still there.
Just in awe. And will continue to be until next time!
* For a bit on the spiritual meaning and wisdom of owls click on the link below*
* For a bit on the spiritual meaning and wisdom of owls click on the link below*
Thank you so much for reading. It’s an honor to share this space with you all. I welcome any and all questions, thoughts and comments below.
Wishing you all so much love,
Xoxo Hannah Seraphina
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