Opening to Love

The sun is out (BIG deal in Portland, OR), little flower buds are bursting, Spring feels like it’s ready to take over soon, and there is a newness in the air. Fresh beginnings, chances to rise up to what life has been bringing to our attention in a way like never before. This call to do more, be more, expand into more of who we came here to be. This time is now, and I’m choosing to say YES. YES to loving deeper, YES to leaning in to the places that challenge me, YES to holding the parts of me wanting love and attention and releasing them to love, YES to opening my heart wider than ever before, YES to opening my arms to all the miracles available to me in doing this, YES to only consuming products, and being around experiences and people that take me higher, and YES to spreading this love, light, and magic just by being the truest version of me I was designed to be. We all have this choice. To live, be, breathe the very best version of our selves we came here to be. To rise up...